Added By: glamourgirl
Ugh! I'm like so mad all the stuff I got and pets and mc gone! I don't blame you staff, but the hackers or whatever. I'm going to get over it but ugh! why would someone cause this much trouble?
Added By: ecks
A-argh. I lost my baby box AND an obsideon. -flops- This is...well, upsetting. I really, really hope this site gets more stable and stops having random roll backs because it seems like no one can get any sort of achievement without worrying whether it'll be gone later. :s

Good luck getting everything ship-shape, staff!
Added By: Zephyra
I lost my Stiggy! D= Hayashi! Where are you?! *sobs* And I now only have 11k rather than my saved up 91k! I hate those hackers that started all the trouble!
Added By: Parody
D: aw, its fine. Some people attacked another petsite I worked on a few months ago. Seems like people who just blindly attack others who have done no harm to them.

I lost my Braenon and my baby box. ;n; and my 110 credits I had after I bought my braenon. D: Hopefully no one will take his name.
Added By: Flares
I haven't lost much but a few k in MC and my Tarinooki is no longer Baby. It's really no big loss for me because we're all getting another Box. This is a really good chance for those people who missed out last time to get one. In the meantime I won't be trying to earn or gain anything big on my account, except the box in case there is another rollback or not. If we all start earning money as quickly as we can and working hard right now and we get another rollback because of hackers, we'll all feel some kind of frustation from losing all the stuff we lost. If we keep low and earn things slowly for the upcoming week and everything seems fine then start earn however you like. That's what I'm going to do, but I'm still getting the box because there might be no other need to rollback again soon and I'd miss it if there's no rollback.

I hope everything goes okay from this point on. The staff rock, even if the rollback hurt a few accounts. If there is anyone who can fix anything, it's the Misticpets Staff!
Added By: Windracer
Arceus, I don't think we have to resubmit our art contest entries from last week (the one about the pet themes) due to the fact that they were submitted to an external email account. Those should remain in tact...
Added By: Dishonor
My brother lost his account. It no longer existed.
But thank you for your support and caring for us.
Added By: Acid
omg I am just glad to be back :) I just hope everyone is ok, etc :)