Yearbook Photo
Pet Name: Ichabod
Owner: Rogue
Theme / Type: Lanturn Gourix
Born: October 31, 2008
Gender: Male
MisticPal Name: Hallows
MisticPal Age: 5840 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 3 / 3
Strength: 3
Defense: 3
Speed: 2
Intellect: 4
Misticpower: 3
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
My Secrets...
Clumsy Love
Always tripping over my own two feet...
By the amazing Cynicism!
Oh! Looks like poor Ichabod got a pumpkin stuck on his head when he was running from the Headless Horseman!
Name: Ichabod Crane
Nickname: Ichabod
Meaning: No meaning, just a character
Pronounced: Ick - a - bod
Age: 17
Gender: Male
SO: Gay
Status: Single; looking
Kin: Wydra (sister)
Personality: Clumsy, smart, quiet, easily embarassed
Likes: Not falling, books, writing, family, relaxing
Dislikes: Tripping, ripped up books, luond noises, too many people
Class: Wander
Theme Song: Friday I'm in love by The Cure
Personal Quote: 'The world isn't a horrible place, the people in it are the horrible ones.'
Height: 6'5"
Build: Skinny, lanky
Hair Color: Black with orange streaks
Hair Length: Chin
Eye Color: Orange
Skin Tone: Pale white
Clothing Style:
Medival - Long black cloak, orange tunic, thick black belt with big golden clasp
Modern Day - Black skinny jeans, sleeveless turtleneck that is black and orange stripped with a skull at the chest, with studded belt
Has spines down his back, long tail, left ear is pierced numerous times with golden studs and hoops
looking at his bloodlines it shows he has them, but no one has seen him preform anything.
Passed Notes
Ego says Ah, well c-clumsy doesn't mean you can't be strong. It just means y-your a bit of a butterfinger. I m-mean at least you d-don't s-stutter like me. It's s-so embarrassing.
Ichabod says Strong? xD Clumsy more like it
Ego says You think so? I thought it made me look to frail. I'm kind of jealous, with how strong you are.
Ego says -pounces playfully- <3
Why hallo thar!
(I'm gonna make hurry A Daydream and put up Alphonso's profile on this pet and this be his new pet)
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