Added By: Riokri
oh so there will be other ways to recieve credits and such? =o
Added By: Kich
..too bad. 8'D My birthday's today. But I can live with it.
Added By: Serenity
I apologize Kich, that was part of the information that was incorrect from the start. That had been discussed but never had been set up in any of the site coding.
Added By: Thor
Aw, that's a shame. But I can't wait to know the new way to get credits :3
Added By: Kich
Nah, it's okay. :3 It just would have been cool. To get a birthday present on a virtual pet site. I can't think of a site that was giving presents out to its players.
Added By: Onyx
Hmm that probably means buying them with real money? I don't really mind that, I mean the site has got to make money some way, a lot of people seem to think that sites like this can exist without any money going into them, but that's not the case... I just hope that whatever methods there are for getting credits, they come out soon!