Added By: Cheshire
These pets look amazing! Just boxed Relentless and Chains! The artist(s) who drew these pets did a fabulous job!
Added By: Sunflower
Oh these new pets are amazing! Good job with the art.
Added By: MisterUndead
The Gurahdi looks like a bear. o:
Added By: Xeiana
So gorgeous!
Added By: Red
ooh, this early?
Added By: Villainess
OMG! Sheen will look so fabulous now! *rushes off the poppet* Beautiful job!
Added By: Sciger
WC Lysador. NEED. *adds to my to-get list*
Added By: Lavi
Can i please have the Lysador!! >-< so pretty!!
Added By: Flygon
So smooth and beautiful!
Added By: Silcoonsixx
Oooh, lovely WC pets! :D