Added By: DigitalCake
Oh, i love this! but i cant buy anything :^/
Added By: gagey9
Added By: Boa
Hm... I don't think the rarity should be displayed in the shops - that's part of the "risk" of vending, while here you can caount on all the expensive items to be semi to super rare, anyway. Also the mouseover covers the price - I think this should only be displayed in shop search. However, we need the rarity displayed in our safe boxes and most urgently the set prices part of our shops (right now, if I forgot, I always have to either look into my gallery or place the wares back into my inventory, to check for rarity, when I price my stuff).
Added By: Shiori
I can't buy anything, why is that? Cool new feature though.
Added By: Eclipse
Yeah i haven't been able to purchase anything either =| Well actually i got something from the creepy critters shop without meaning too yesterday, but i can't seem to buy food. =|
Added By: Eclipse
Wait I lied. it just doesn't display a 'you have bought the item' message. The items ae actually in my inventory.