Added By: Nanou
My siblings made accounts, and probably adopted some pets but they don't get on anymore."Fakewings18" and "Edwardwolfie".
Added By: Dissolve
Siblings having accounts is fine, as long as they are not SOLELY for holding pets for other members. :D Tell them to come play .. LOL.
Added By: Detective
Ky and Brianna aren't that active anymore, and I think my sister has a pet of mine still. Hopefully it's fine c:
Added By: Nanou
Oh, okay. >w
Added By: catilena1890
I have only seen one person who has a friend "holding" pets for them, but I see a lot of siblings/friends sharing computers and stuff. I dunno what to make of this honestly '~'
Added By: Zarabeythe
There are several benchmarks to be met in these instances. However, the reports are growing, and our eagle eyed members have pointed out a valid concern and issue that appears to be growing unfortunately.
Added By: Scientist
Yikes, how will you be able to tell the difference between the side sibling accounts and those that are just not as active? Since both of my siblings have one pet of mine I thought I would have to ask
Added By: Ace
OK unrelated to the topic of the news post, but the yehxil cop looks awesome, just sayin XD
Added By: Dissolve
LOL .. he works out Ace, and well, a Yehxil in uniform and all ...LOLKiata, there are definitely ways to tell. we will be very careful in rooting out true "storage" accts, and those who are actually fostering a stray here and there for friends or family :) And as always, if a mistake is ever made, please contact and we can discuss the case on its own merits.
Added By: Wolfkin
Dang Oo my sis is inactive but not because she doesn't want to play, its because my brother doesn't allow anyone on his computer and I bring mine with me to college. When I saw the account cleaning I told her and logged on so she wouldn't get deleted, was that wrong? I'm gonna go home more this semester and she might get to play.