You wouldn't believe me if I told you...
Pet Name: Warhead
Owner: Hirochuu
Theme / Type: Terror Stignightus
Born: October 5, 2017
Gender: Male
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 16 / 16
Strength: 20
Defense: 0
Speed: 16
Intellect: 18
Misticpower: 1
Books Read
Books Read:
...I am humanities demise and to be honest..
*Main subject of Project KRATOS at a government test facility
*Is a 'human' nuclear warhead/ Powerplant
*he technically has no name, workers simply call him Kratos.
*He doesn't understand a lot of emotions and has trouble conveying them on command so instead he usually comes off completely silent or blank faced. He's learning though.
*his eyes circulate hues red orange and yellow constantly
*He gives off so much energy his skin heats up to ungodly temperatures, sometimes glowing veins spread across his body from the heat. If not dealt with a coolant, he will eventually meltdown and destroy everything within blast radius.
Pet Collections
Collection Limit: 4
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