by virtue of or in virtue of : through the force of : by authority of
a commendable quality or trait
conformity to a standard of right
manly strength or courage
a particular moral excellence
My name stands for all of these and I expect no less from others. I truely believed in the honesty and integrity of others ..alas..I have been proven wrong and disappointed so many times that now I feel I must stand before you all and hope that by my example it will shame you. Yes, shame you into doing the right thing. Shame you into turning your back on wicked ways and vendettas against your fellow man.
to be cont. writers block :( I want a Knight in shining armor character, a Robin Hood, if you will, who doesn't steal goods from the rich and give to the poor but who steals petty wicked ways and turns them to compassion and goodness ;)
I belong to Skyeaglet, please return if the site gliches and he ends up somewhere else!