Pet Information
Pet Name: Verrat
Owner: YoshisWrath
Theme / Type: Terror Skillow
Born: April 23, 2009
Gender: Female
Mood: Mad
MisticPal Name: Verbannung
MisticPal Age: 5725 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 3 / 3
Strength: 2
Defense: 1
Speed: 3
Intellect: 5
Misticpower: 1
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
8/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Clockwork Pomme
2. - Flat Top Pomme
3. - Inside-Out Pomme
4. - LuvBizzer
5. - Orange Witch Hat Lollypop
6. - Scarab Soup
7. - Woodland Pomme
8. - Wormy Pomme
Boxed Terror on April 23, 2009 at 7:07 pm Mistic Time.
Thanks to Courdon for the box!
Name: Verrat
Pronounced: Vurr-raht
Meaning: German for 'Disgrace'
Age: N/A
Gender: Female (surprisingly)
Color/Species: Terror Skillow
Orientation: N/A
Likes: Any meat (mostly deer), some wolves, nighttime, rain
Despises: Skillows, sunny weather, rotten meat
Not one of Us (German!)
Lion King 2
Verrat is a tad unstable, and tends to be confused about the most basic things. This predatory skillow in all honestly can't tell the difference between good and evil, and often makes bad choices because of this. She could be helping you at one moment, but then suddenly strike upon a simple request although her intentions are normally good.
Verrat suffers from a bit of identity crisis... or denial. She honestly believes she's a wolf, and feels more comfortable around the most dangerous pack on an unknown land. She can't stand birds, and is constantly seen chasing them down, trying to kill them. Verrat even tends to "howl" when the wolf pack she hangs around goes hunting. One's guard should never be let down around Verrat, especially those of the Cervidae family. (meaning deer). Thanks to her long horns and large size, she's able to swoop down and skewer her prey, usually stabbing either vital organs or the heart. Why does one bird need to kill of so many deer...?
Being a little under 5 feet tall, Verrat is a predator that should be taken seriously at all times. Despite her somewhat flashy colors of red, black, and white, it's hard to tell when this bird is after someone. She hardly makes noise when she flies, due to the way her feathers are build (look at owls feather's for example). Verrat periodically grinds her horns against tree trunks, keeping them sharp. Because her horns are so large, they're also heavy, and Verrat can only hold her head strait when she's perched for brief moments. Otherwise her head is held back, looking up at the sky. She sometimes holds her horns up against tree trunks so she's able to keep her eyes on the ground.
Verrat was born to a flock of vicious predatory skillows, which would hunt down prey animals just like wolves. They would fight off other birds alike, and were not to be messed with. Like any other young bird, she was raised to hunt just like the other chicks in the flock. Verrat ended up becoming rather useful, due to the unusually long horns that grew from the skillows head. She was able to swoop down and skewer both prey and enemies alike. One day, Verrat was forced to make a decision...
On a stormy night, the skillow flock went out for their usual hunting. Whether it was because they had gotten too bold, or if it was because the rain blurred their vision, the skillows attacked a wolf pack. (Note, these skillows are large, ranging from 3 to 5 feet tall.) A vicious fight broke out, and Verrat was caught in the middle of it. Verrat had already killed off a few of the adult wolves, and was about to swoop down to severely hurt a young pup. But something stopped her...
Memories oh her own childhood caused the skillow to change course. Verrat remembered how her own mother was killed due to being attacked. Verrat was torn on what to do. It was her duty to kill, but she couldn't find the heart to kill off a child. Changing her course, she flew at the alpha skillow of her flock, killing him as her horns stabbed through his chest. The other skillows were appalled by Verrat's actions. Becoming outraged, they turned and attacked Verrat. Verrat killed off a couple more members of her flock in a rage, but eventually sustained severe injuries of her own. She fell to the ground, next to the wolf pup she had struggled so hard to protect.
The wolves watched in shock as the fight broke out, and stared as Verrat fell to the ground. Why did this skillow decide to spare the life of a mere pup? Instead of wasting time figuring out why, the wolves attacked the skillows once more, sending the birds fleeing. But the skillows were not at all happy. They swore that if Verrat were ever to attempt to return to them, they would kill her.
Verrat spent little of her time with the wolves from then on. She even now considers herself to be a wolf instead of a bird. She would occasionally even help the pack on a large hunt, but otherwise kept to herself. Ever since then, Verrat has hated all birds or other avians. She is normally seen off on her own, glaring in the potential direction of her old home.
There needs to be a plot
What makes you think you have power over me?!
By YoshisWrath
By Cassandra189
By Jord22
Verrat has always belonged to YoshisWrath and always will. Please return this pet to her in case of some weird accident!
Pet Collections
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