Vital Statistics
Pet Name: Tipo
Owner: LycanDiva
Theme / Type: Toxic Anya
Born: May 29, 2015
Gender: Female
Mood: Mad
MisticPal Name: Band-Aidz
MisticPal Age: 3442 Days
Kickin' Boo-tay-tay!
Level: 1
Hit Points: 12 / 12
Strength: 15
Defense: 0
Speed: 18
Intellect: 20
Misticpower: 1
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Reading is Fundamental!
Books Read:
5/373 [ View Books ]
1. Deadly Lullabies
2. How to Care For a Cheran
3. How to Care for an Inarbu
4. Merry Mericai
5. The Dazzling Vampire
Nummy Nums!
Foods Eaten:
11/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Aqua Toadstool
2. - Chanterelle Mushrooms
3. - Drink Me Potion
4. - Eat Me Cookie
5. - iPomme
6. - Krabapple Pomme
7. - Pomme Pilot
8. - Porcini Mushrooms
9. - Princess Pomme
10. - Sugared Funnel Cake
11. - Wheat Grass
Tipo, at first, seems like a wacky, empty-headed ditz who hasn't matured past the age of ten. However, when you get to know her, you find that she is more of a "bunny-ears lawyer"--a skilled and knowledgeable healer who just happens to have a quirky, offbeat personality. She often drives her friends up a wall, but she's always there when they need her! Her favorite foods are fish, milkshakes, and grits with cheese.
Collection Limit: 8