Pet Information
Pet Name: Snowbitten
Owner: Xeiana
Theme / Type: Wintergala Ahbruis
Born: December 24, 2009
Gender: Male
Mood: Mad
Disease(s): Heart Sick, Bites: 3
Love Sick, Bites: 3
MisticPal Name: Nameless
MisticPal Age: 4702 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 5 / 5
Strength: 5
Defense: 4
Speed: 3
Intellect: 4
Misticpower: 2
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
Pet Profile
Known as the Oracle, Snowbitten is rarely referred to by name and is well known for his near-silence. To gain his status as the Oracle, who is second to the highest rank of the Seers, the Divine, he trained in the snowy realm, reading the stars and undertaking the oath of Fey. The markings seen on his pelt are of magical origin and give him his powers to see messages in the stars. He is still considered in training by personal preference, as his powers have yet to find their limit. Due to his title, he is constantly sought out and so his snowy realm makes it so only the most brave of souls can find the answers they seek.
Nameless had been given to him during his training by a fellow friend, Astrum, who joined him in training underneath the stars. By the decree of the Seers, a petpal could only be taken when given to one, and this help magnify their power.
Reluctantly at first, he was forced into taking care of the young Xael, and along with him, the silent Belief. Astrum had explained that due to her dabbling with the Astral plane, she wasn't able to properly take care of the two. Over time Snow had become fond of the rambunctious Cheran and the playful Kohal, and accepted the fact he had become a father to the two.
Over the years, the lonely Ahbruis had realized that his feelings towards the haruba may be more than friendship, but due to her secretive and even more elusive nature, has been unable to locate her. He is troubled with his feelings, even more so when the two pets he looks after consider Astrum their mother and he their father. The stars still won't guide him in the right direction no matter how hard he searches.
Boxed Wintergala on 8:01 PM Wednesday December 23th, 2009
Pet Collections
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