Cheetah says Wise! Me? *shocked expression* Well.. maybe... *fluffs out fur*
Cheetah says You are rather... sinister looking. lD; /shot
Righteous says Whyt hank you,it was made to sorta match my pet edit. -nod head-
Righteous says Ha ha,I s'pose your right.I shall be carefull not to eat to amny.
Righteous says Indeed, they'er to good to only have just one.-nods head in agreement-
Righteous says Yep.Gree trolls just cause peoples eyes to glow green.
Righteous says My eyes are green and glowing..because I ate to many trolls D: (Random xD)
Cerberous says Grrr grrowgrow!
Righteous says Sinister,eh? hum.....I can be sinister....-chuckles evily-
Cerberous says /bows/ Great day to be a nightmare,huh?:P