"Haha, why is it such a surprise? After all, you can't have 'order' without a little 'chaos'." The act of creation is a violent, explosive thing. To make anything requires a burst of energy - to create life, to create art; to raise buildings or invent machines - it all requires that spark, and that swirling chaos of "becoming". Only once things have been completed does the dust settle and normality realize itself. -- at least, that's what's supposed to happen. The personification of that 'normality', Order is the one that oversees the calm after the storm. Such has been his duty since the dawn of creation, and such will be his duty until the end of time itself. Of course, keeping everything in proper order, all of the time, gets very boring very quickly. And, indeed, if there was no such thing as "chaos", the world would remain at a perpetual standstill. So Order... maybe, kind of, sort of... slacks off on his tasks a bit. While he does like it when things are "just so", he's rarely concerned when things aren't. Perhaps he'll set things right as soon as possible, or else he might just let them sit in disarray until he feels like 'fixing' them; you can never be sure -- artbox + quad illust |