Pet Name: Obscurum
Owner: Lusium
Theme / Type: Albino Haruba
Born: May 28, 2013
MisticPal Name: Infirmitas
MisticPal Age: 4228 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 6
Hit Points: 69 / 69
Strength: 27
Defense: 0
Speed: 19
Intellect: 18
Misticpower: 40
Books Read
Books Read:
4/373 [ View Books ]
1. 101 Murders
2. Crazy Horror Stories
3. How to Care for a Gourix
4. How to Care for a Stignightus
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
2/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Forgotten Potion
2. - Pyramid Cake
If lost, please return to Lusium
"Something's changing
Re-arranging me
Just beginning
my own surgery
I'll cut away everything
And tear away everything
I'll cut away everything
And tear away everything
And I'll escape myself"
Name; Obscurum
Pronunciation; Awbuh-Skur-E-Uhm
Age; 1500 years, estimated
Gender; Male
Height; Varies on the form. 6'5 (feral), 6'8(human), 6'11 (anthro)
Weight; 375lbs
Build; Mesomorphic Build
Eye color;
Lacks eyes, a thin mist inhabits the vacant spots. Change color according to his mood at times.
Hair color;
Grayish white, appears stringy and matted
Skin tone;
Various. lacks natural skin, uses those from his kills to cover his frame. Patchwork skin tone.
Jagged tear in right ear, missing the tip. Thin knife scar over left eye & proceeds down nasal bridge. Long, jagged scar along stomach, fur often clumped over it, or hidden by clothing.
Personality traits:
Strengths & Weaknesses;
Roleplay is Open/closed
Last Updated; 8/21/2015
I think you need to calm down before you give someone hypothermia
No, I am not working with you.
Rosa, I'm trusting you're well lately?
Calm down now Fire butt, can't have you burning his house now.
No hard feelings right Tone? I mean, it was an accident.
I thought you were dead!
I have your respect? Well, that's something I haven't heard in over a hundred years.
Stop calling me Aslan! Thats not my name you carbon copy of Skraa.
Of course I'll keep him safe. I dont want his family to lose someone important to them.