Animated - Animated - Animated
He Was My Unicorn
Pet Name: Nyan
Owner: Erizzle
Theme / Type: Blush Anya
Born: December 12, 2011
Gender: Male
Mood: Mad
MisticPal Name: Z
MisticPal Age: 4757 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 5 / 5
Strength: 2
Defense: 2
Speed: 4
Intellect: 7
Misticpower: 1
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
2/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Albino Pomme
2. - Pommepadour
Nyan Nyan Nyan
Name: Nyan
Age: Timeless, but young (17-22 about)
*He has eyes for all of the ladies, butpeople seem to think that he's too "flighty"*
Appearance: Slight, but still muscular. Gray hair, but never "old-looking". He has a modern style, always on the cutting edge. He generally has a different hairstyle everyday. Accompanied always by his favorite song... :D
Job: Model, Entertainer, Mentor... Everything!
(woot for acronyms!)
Hey guys, just popping in here, and no... I don't think... Ever. I'm taking up lodging with this thing called Erizzle (downright clod of misfortune, this block is) to keep the press down... But what can I say, I'm in high demand! I'm a friend to everyone and no one. I take no sides, is all. Fame is fleeting, so you better be special. Listen closely, you can here sanity calling to those who need it most.
Nyan Cat (C) prguitarman
LOVELY work by Wasteland!
Some Nice Anthro work by Riv!
Pet Collections
Collection Limit: 4