Wayward Druid
Pet Name: Kelan
Owner: Thor
Theme / Type: Overgrowth Stignightus
Born: October 31, 2008
Gender: Male
MisticPal Name: Chris
MisticPal Age: 5827 Days
Tools of the Trade
Level: 3
Hit Points: 5 / 5
Strength: 3
Defense: 3
Speed: 4
Intellect: 19
Misticpower: 9
Books Read
Books Read:
11/373 [ View Books ]
1. Battle: The Basics
2. Collection of Autumn Leaves
3. Flora of Darkwood
4. Inferno Terrain Stories
5. Mistifying
6. Mushrooms 101
7. Starry Skies
8. Sun Rise
9. The Forest Octopus Friend
10. The Rainy Day Book
11. What Lurks in the Swamp
Into the Grove
"Druidry is not a religion. It's a philosophy and you can worship a God or a Goddess, it's up to you. You can be a Christian or a Moslem or anything else and still be a Druid."
Name: Kelan Arlen
Age: (physical) 19 (actual) 188
Hair - Golden brown/auburn
eyes - One sparkling blue, and one sparkling brown
skin - average
height - 5' 9"
Born: Ireland
Race: Druid
Alignment: True Neutral
Positive: Brave, reckless, realist, serious, sacrificing, beautiful, focused
Negative: snobbish, stubborn, worrier, tongue tied, reserved
As a baby, Kelan was found at the edge of the 'antediluvian' shrine. No father or mother, Kelan was born from the trees, like the Druids in the beginning.
Serious. Smiling is not a frequent occurrence on this boy's face. He was born with a mission. Uphold the balance of the earth. But it doesn't possess his every though. Only when the world tips out of balance, or when something happens to threaten it, he'll be there to observe.
When you can catch it, he can be light hearted, warm, and kind. He can be understanding, but more often he is unreasonable, especially when it comes to the mission.
He is as Neutral as possible, as the ways of the Druids. The world is large and vast, and there's so many things out there to experience, but cannot, due to what he is, and what all of that is.
He CANNOT read or write. At least, not in any human languages. He's at a complete loss when road sighs are right in front of him. He was never taught, and he never thought it necessary to learn. He can, however speak any spoken language.
His main source of power and energy is from his Oak staff. It is a direct link from him to the earth. Without it, his earthly magic is tragically limited, and he is easy prey for anyone who wishes to do him harm. It is why he is rarely, if ever, seen without his staff. He especially hates going into the city, because he looks like a goofus walking around in street clothing caring a huge 'stick'.
A dying breed
He is of the few Druids still remaining, for the world is being stripped more bare with time, and his people are dying out. The lands are disappearing because humans take the forests to make room for themselves, pushing out the Druids from their own homes.
Humans (and others from humans) are not looked upon kindly. But they respect human existence, because they are crucial to the balance of the world. They hold the power in their hands to control everything.Druids will always leave human existence alone, as long as the scales are not tipped. If the world falls out of balance, druids will emerge to equal the scale. Such as, if a great force of evil rises, they will join forces of good. However, if good starts to take too much control, then druids will take the side of evil.
Many of the world's greatest events had druid influence from within.
Druids are weary of certain kinds of people though. The witches, angels, and demons. These individuals of the supernatural who are not like humans, they hold a stronger tie to the balance of the world. They are much harder to keep an eye on, because they use abilities that overshadow nature's.
Druid's beginning:
Contrary to popular belief and lore, Druids are not human. The first Druids were born from trees. They are much like dryads, but hold more humanistic qualities so that they can fit in with humans.They can live for hundreds of years like any tree. Their physical aging process is slow. By the time they are 200 years old, they look 20.
They were born with a deep understanding of the way of the world. They are connected to the core and the earth's life balance.
The death of a Druid:
Killing a druid is as easy as killing a human.They may have more ways of preventing death than a human, but if shot in the heart, they are just as vulnerable.
When a Druid dies, they 'take root'. In other words, they rejoin the earth.Have you ever seen a tree that looked like it had personality? Like it could have been a person... if it wasn't a tree that is. Well, that may just be a druid that have died. Taking root is not instantaneous. It's a slow process much like decomposition. Reuniting with the Earth is a salvation for a Druid. Even so much as a finger is good enough.
The worse fate a Druid can have is to be trapped in a metal coffin. The metals molded by humans are so separated from the natural mineral from the earth, that Druids cannot properly die and 'pass on' from within. They are essentially sundered.
Drud Majik (Kelan's abilities):
(0) Shape shifting - Kelan can turn into any animal. With enough energy and concentration, a large animal. Small animals take little or no energy to become.
(0) Nature 'bending' - He can control the earth. He can make dirt into mud, mud into stone, stone into... well, you get the hint, right?
He also controls what the elements do. Make rock slides, plant life move to his will, can do things with animals too. (He cannot directly control an animal, for they have their own thoughts. He can however manipulate their instincts. Such as cause a herd to stampede by bringing fear and the need to RUN in them.)
(0) Healing - Can heal, but it is extremely limited. A paper cut will be gone instantly, but a gaping wound takes a few days (max, 3), and is exhausting to him.
(0) can communicate to animals
(0) can read near futures with gems, stars, and the movements of the sun and moon.
(0) Call water - using moisture in the air,can collect water to a point. (helps in the desert)
(0) Dispel Magic - Can repel/dispel magic if he is the target through his staff. (Limited ability)
The' good-to-know' facts about Druids
Four Cornerstones of Druid Philosophy
1. Knowledge
2. Respect
3. Patience
4. Service
Knowledge helps us make right decisions.
Respect is a powerful thing. We must respect others and ourselves. We also must respect knowledge, nature, science, magic, life and death, and anything else worthy of our respect. We must also act in ways worthy of respect.
Patience is a virtue. We must remember this especially in today's fast paced society. Sometimes we have to apply ourselves over a period of time to receive results.
Service is important. We can help our Order, volunteer in the community, serve the greater good, or we can help out our family and friends. We must take a stand against apathy.
Nature is important to Druids. Druids recognize that all living things have spirits. Druids hold trees in especially high regard. Druids do not worship nature, but they do respect it greatly.
Balance is something that Druids strive for. Druids direct and use their energies wisely to this end. Non-balance is also necessary. Total balance can lead to stagnation. True balance is a mix of both order and chaos.
Good and Evil
There are no absolutes when it comes to good and evil. These are human constructs. With no clear borderline, these concepts are relative. An action can be good or evil based on the way it is carried out and the beliefs of the persons involved. The same can be said of the concept of "truth". All these concepts are the result of a judgment made in the mind at any given historical moment.
Solar Ceremonies
Druids hold the solar or masculine holidays with great reverence. These holidays include the Summer and Winter Solstices and the Fall and Spring Equinoxes. Many Druids also celebrate the Lunar and feminine holidays that fall between these astrological events.
I belong to Lor. Return me IMMEDIATELY.
Treasures of the Heart
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