Pet Information
Pet Name: Karas
Owner: Tempest
Theme / Type: Nightmare Ahbruis
Born: July 23, 2014
Gender: Female
Mood: Mad
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 15 / 15
Strength: 18
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Intellect: 12
Misticpower: 1
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
The ancient beast awakens!
Pet Edit done by Wonderland
[First Nightmare Ahbruis on the site!]
[New muse is being very elusive and difficult. Excuse the mess. -.-']
Do you have what it takes to release the ancient beast?
Artwork done by Fox
Comes from the Greek word Charis
Means beautiful and graceful
(Alpha albino wolf-headed Manticore)
* Known by all other manticores as The Alpha. Rule of the Manticore clans and all sub-types.
*Real name is Karas, which is only given to those she deems worthy of speaking it.
* albinos are rare within the manticore clans
* magic is lavender in color, matching her eyes and can be infused/drawn into her wings and mane to make them lavender in appearance; during ancient times, she had immense magical powers, mainly controlling over sone/earth and fire, but that has diminished over the years that she had been sealed away
* in ancient times she was betrayed by her human/humanoid comrades after her clan and the dragon clans taught them magic and guided them through their evolution
Artwork by Amnesia
- sealed/cursed to sleep within a stone statue inside a large temple that belonged to Karas by ancient magical forces long ago, due to this curse, her paws, tail and spines forever retain the look of stone, however, even though her paws/tail/spines looks like stone, she can move them with ease. [sealed because the humans/humanoids were unable to kill her]; ancient humanoids rebelling against their beastly comrades that erupt into a world-wide war for a time. [wiped out most of the dragons and manticores, as well as the other mystical animal clans, the rest went into hiding as humans/humanoids took over most of the world, but the legends of the rulers of the two beast clans that maintained the balance still exist.] A seal has been placed on the now stone-bound alpha and rumors had been spread that only beings that hold a specific magical power can undo the curse and unseal the alpha. A more recent rumor has it that a group of researchers have rediscovered the sprawling ruins of the alpha's domain and the stone statue of Karas inside a ancient forest running along a dangerous mountain range]
* is able to shift into a human form (and into an anthro form, but this is rare unless she wants to bypass the cursed Hellstone/Brimestone form that was cast upon her) with the help of her magic to better blend in with her surroundings; her wings and tail are able to be displayed, but are invisible to humans, she has to wear long lavender gloves to conceal her stone-looking skin on her arms from others, long lavender hair with white tips with small spikes in the back, lavender eyes, very pale skin, close to albino in appearance, wears knee high black books to cover her stone-looking skin on her feet
* Hellstone/Brimestone form (Both human and manticore form)
Manticore form - Each time Karas is forced to take this form, the stone-like texture starts to slowly spread even farther across her body.
Artwork done by Fox
[Profile in progress]
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