Uke says Yeah! :D I saw the Wintergala Anya and was like..."This. This needs to happen."
Poltergeist says Mrfhff... Richie said something about telling you that I'm the highest defensed pet in all of Mistica or something.. he also said something about saying thank you... so thanks.
Intermission says You look very lovely Sukado! My name is Zinc. I'm pleased to meet you acquaintance. I'm glad to meet a fellow Jinx like you! ^^ -bows-
Howling says Richie: Hehe, thank you. I decided that, since his name is very fitting, I will be training Gallantry and making him my battle pet, since the battle revamp is in progress, too. n___n
Poltergeist says ...*grunts* ... Well... thank... you.. err.. *grunts*
(Hehe, it's so fun to pretend to be them.. Tamaris is such an unemotional being xD)