Seht says Sure. -Calls after- If I see you again with that gash, I'll heal you myself, got it?
Seht says -Nods- There's a healer a few blocks down that way. -Points-
Seht says Because. -Shrugs- I'm not great, but I'm not evil, either.
Seht says Like... me? Hah... no, not like me. I'm not decent.
Seht says -Nods- I hear you. But, then again, there are a /few/ decent people out there.
Seht says There /are/ doctors around...
Seht says Right... -Calls after- You're going to get that looked at, right?
Seht says Me? I'm Lilianth.
Seht says -Studies him for a while- ...If you say so.
Seht says No. No, that's more of a /gash./