Pet Information
Pet Name: Grimm
Owner: Quarantine
Theme / Type: Plague Obsideon
Born: February 15, 2010
Gender: Male
MisticPal Name: Tales
MisticPal Age: 4624 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 4
Hit Points: 0 / 7
Strength: 4
Defense: 7
Speed: 5
Intellect: 8
Misticpower: 4
Battles Won: 1
Battles Lost: 1
Books Read
Books Read:
3/373 [ View Books ]
1. Gurahdi Mysteries
2. Mistifying
3. Scarab Desert Survival Handbook
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
27/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Arctic Pomme
2. - Braenon Pomme
3. - Cactus Drink
4. - Caramel Pomme
5. - Circus Caramel Pomme
6. - Clockwork Pomme
7. - Deathberry
8. - Dried Up Cactus Drink
9. - Flat Top Pomme
10. - Heart Pomme
11. - Luvstynks
12. - Na Pomme
13. - Nocturnal Pomme
14. - Northern Pomme
15. - Nuclear Pomme
16. - Nutty Chocolate Pomme
17. - Petit Escargot
18. - Plague Pomme
19. - Pomme Juice
20. - Pomme Pilot
21. - Pomme Pomme
22. - Pommeaid
23. - PommePei
24. - Pommerainian
25. - Scorpion on a Stick
26. - Vampire Wine
27. - Withered Pommekin
Pet Profile
Grimm did not mean to nail those people to trees. Grimm just wanted to tell them a story, but they always run from Grimm. Why do they run from Grimm? Grimm does not do any harm. Grimm is a good man. What's that you say? Grimm does not know why he talks in third person...Grimm must ponder this fact.
Pet Comments
Illusion says *she twirled the flower, the petals slowly changing from those of some sort of tulip to twist into a beautiful red rose, that same smirk playing across her face. Everything was illusions, and the chair didn't stun her* "Can" is a question of ability, but you may sit there if you wish. *she tilted her head with a smug sort of look before turning to walk off* I just will not sit with you.
Illusion says *she flicks her gaze up from a flower she was toying with to turn toward the man that spoke to her, a flawless eyebrow quirking upwards as she gave a light 'hmm'. She ran a hand over the petals of the flower and tilted her head some with a slow smirk* Mmm, is that so...?
All Comments
Pet Collections
Collection Limit: 4
This pet has no collections.