Captivation says /full intention of stalking >>;
Wick says Only in your wildest dreams
Wick says When I'm dead I'm sure you would have more of a chance
Wick says Yeah, cause you would totally get that in your life time again
Wick says It can if I let it. What do you want tonight, hmm?
Wick says Maybe I lie to myself about somethings, but I wouldn't lie to anyone else about this matter.
Wick says Honestly I don't care for you, even though you poison my thoughts. I /cared/ for you, but not anymore.
Wick says That is too easy. I'm just trying to ween myself off you..
Wick says Ha, because what would make your day is having my heart, and that's something you'll never achieve.
Wick says Oh but I know you find torturing me more fun