[Gimiki is pronounced (gee-me-key) and belongs to silcoonsixx]
This Anya is a classic pain in the tail to some pets and has a bad habit of getting excited way too easily as well as a dislike of being ignored. She prefers a more wild way of life in contrast to the higher class life that many of her kind live, and is a frequent visitor to the Jumboyo village. Another place on her list of favourite locations is the Darkwood Hollow. Despite any warnings given, Gimiki will play there with her pal, Yuniran and the sprites fairly often.
She also keeps an eye on the shop when not running about.
[Bit by Genderbug 1 time(s) - 03/03/12]
Forte says Guess that makes me cooler? /can't help but laugh along.
Forte says Oh. Hey there. /tilts head. Would you say I'm the "cat's pajamas"?