1. 101 Murders
2. All about Misticpets (N-Z)
3. Bed Time Stories
4. Book Of Haunted Weapons
5. Crazy Horror Stories
6. Danger!
7. Dangerous Weapons
8. Deadly Lullabies
9. Haruba Stripes
10. Mistic Mist
11. Mushrooms 101
12. Starry Skies
13. The Rainy Day Book
14. Web Tales
15. What Lurks in the Swamp
16. Who Killed The Cookie?
1. - Albino Pomme
2. - Anya Pomme
3. - Blush Pomme
4. - Bottle of Rum
5. - Cactus Drink
6. - Chocolate Pomme
7. - FaceGlomper
8. - Flat Top Pomme
9. - Kitty Pomme
10. - Normal Pomme
11. - Pomme Juice
12. - Pomme Pilot
13. - Pomme Pomme
14. - Pomme Poultry
15. - Scarab Soup
16. - Scorpion on a Stick
17. - Swamp Pomme
Pet Profile
Strong, loyal, loving; these and her winning smile are Rain's best features. Biolu acts as her nightlight when she's reading or staying up chatting with Culeim. I BELONG TO MORIKOHIKARI. IF LOST PLEASE RETURN ME TO HER.