Some people
Just don't know when to stop.
Some people
Just won't quit until they reach the top.
But I'm so easy going
I'd make my way through life
On love and understanding
From a rich and beautiful life.
Name: Geb
Pronunciation: Geb
Also Called: Seb, Keb, Qeb
Epithets: Father of the Earth, The Great Cackler, One Who's Laugh Makes the Earth Quake, The Abundantly Fertile One, Lover of Animals, The Snake Charmer, One Who Forms Mountains, He of Many Faces
Gender: Male
Age: Ancient/Immortal
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Occupation: God of Earth, Rocks, Plants, Animals, Agriculture, Fertility,
Orientation: Pansexual
Status: Married to Nuit, though forced apart
Immediate Family:
Atum Ra - Grandfather
Shu - Father, son of Atum Ra
Tefnut - Mother, daughter of Atum Ra
Nuit - Wife, daughter of Shu and Tefnut
Wesir - Son by Nuit
Sutekh - Son by Nuit
Heru the Elder - Son by Nuit, (deceased)
Auset - Daughter by Nuit
Nebthet - Daughter by Nuit
Nepri - Son by Bast
Hatmehit - Daughter by Hethert
Shezmu - Son by Mafdet
Bes - Son by some Nubian Goddess
Min - Son by some Nubian Goddess
Meret - Daughter by some Nubian Goddess
Serapis - Son by some Greek Goddess
Ihy - Grandson/nephew, son of Heru the Elder and Hethert
Imsety, Hapy, Duamutef, Qebehsenuef - Grandsons, The Four Sons of Heru
Yinepu - Grandson, son of Nebthet
Heru the Younger - Grandson, son of Wesir and Auset
Kebechet - Great Granddaughter, daughter of Yinepu and Anput
~Geb also has several other children that he doesn't know about(or cares to know about). Most of these children were mortal born humans or animals, though some have been divinely born(and not just by Egyptian deities).~
Extended Family:
Maat - Aunt, daughter of Atum Ra
Ptah - Uncle, son of Atum Ra
Khnum - Uncle, son of Atum Ra
Thoth - Uncle, son of Atum Ra
Serqet - Aunt, daughter of Atum Ra
Bast - Aunt, daughter of Atum Ra
Sakhmet - Aunt(the split personality of Hethert), daughter of Atum Ra
Hethert - Aunt(the split personality of Sakhmet), daughter of Atum Ra
Maahes - Cousin, son of Ptah and Bast
Nefertem - Cousin, son of Ptah and Sakhmet
Mafdet - Cousin, daughter of Ptah and Sakhmet
Sobek - Cousin, son of Khnum and Serqet
Seshat - Cousin, daughter of Thoth and Maat
Satet - Cousin, daughter of Thoth and Maat
Nekhbet - Cousin, daughter of Thoth and Maat(twin of Wadjet)
Wadjet - Cousin, daughter of Thoth and Maat(twin of Nekhbet)
Khonsu - Cousin(Once Removed), son of Sobek and Hethert
Anqet - Cousin(Once Removed), daughter of Khnum and Satet
Heqet - Cousin(Once Removed), daughter of Khnum and Satet
(Note: If you would like to be a part of this family, please let me know! In addition to accepting non-canon, there are plenty of canon characters still available. Just mail me to plot it out and talk about it!)
Roleplay is: Open/Closed