Hunter of Twisted Thoughts
Pet Name: Forsake
Owner: Xeiana
Theme / Type: Phantom Gourix
Born: March 31, 2013
Gender: Female
Mood: Mad
MisticPal Name: Ioran
MisticPal Age: 3786 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 15 / 15
Strength: 18
Defense: 0
Speed: 11
Intellect: 16
Misticpower: 1
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
From Thief to Keeper
Image by drygrasses
A red-eyed thief with a knack for magic, she is well aware of the Veiled Book rumors. Although many believed that it was a mere myth that was lusted after others, she had ears in the shadows and unlike anyone who had set out to find such a thing, she managed to find it. Where she had found it, she would never tell. However, it wasn't only luck that allowed her to find the Book, rather, the legendary Shadow Dwellers had silently led her to discover it. Her ability to sense where Thought Sprites, and their counterparts, were was a rare talent indeed, and is the only reason why she is able to use the Veiled Book. If she had been deemed not worthy, the Sprites in the Book would have erased her from existence, a harsh punishment for those who sought to steal the Book for their own uses.
Her name, Forsake, had not been her given name, rather she abandoned her old name when she became a thief to survive, and thus took the name Forsake. Becoming the Keeper of the Veiled Book never came with an instruction book, and even the Shadow Dwellers aren't stepping forward to coach her on how to use it, so for her it's learn by herself. Earning the respect of the three main Sprites was, and still is, quite difficult, and even now she hasn't able to fully master the power she has at her disposal. Hunting Twisted Thoughts? Now there is an adventure worth telling...
There is one Thought Sprite that she has the most trouble wielding due to his stubborn nature, as well as him being the most powerful Sprite in the book. Their relationship is similar to walking on eggshells made of fragile glass.
Image by Doom
Adopted from Memento.
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