Sneer says *Grins* Of course I'm the best! It's good of you to recognize that~ I can see why Architect keeps you around.
Sneer says That's quite the interesting job you have there! I suppose in some sense we work together - after all, I am responsible for a good chunk of souls heading to the after life *chuckles*
Sneer says I see, I see! *Grins* why yes, that sounds just like me~ it seems I've grown quite famous lately! I'm curious, what is it you do, hm?
Sneer says Ahh, so Darling is the little bird you mentioned? *Chuckles* I would like to say that I'm surprised, but I'm not that humble. What brings you around here, Crow?
Sneer says Oh? Why yes, your little bird would be correct - I am indeed he. And who might you be?