Weenie says Nice kitty... 8/
Weenie says You can still hold it though... Yeah...
Weenie says NO, DON'T. I have a pencil neck. ;_;
Weenie says I don't like my nose, or what has happened to my nose: It taunts me... >8(
Weenie says Yeah, I like it enough. There's a lot more worse names that I could have been named. Like, I donno, Gideon or something. (Lol, thanks)
Weenie says Nice to meet you, Googles. I'm Mario. Just Mario, not the plumber or that one guy whose name begins with the letter P. I don't like it when people call me that name. :/
Weenie says OOOOOOOOOHHH. I donno, my mind was kinda wandering somewhere else when you said patch.
Weenie says Your... patch...?
Weenie says This pie..... Soooooooooo gud... Thanks. <3
Weenie says That... sounds delicious. :O