1. Aetra Winter Tale
2. Book about Sand
3. Cheran Myths
4. Cheran Sticker Book
5. Cheran Tales
6. Cheran: A History
7. Desert Dessert
8. Haunting Sea Shanties
9. How to Battle
10. Lanturnacht Horrors
11. Mistifying
12. Scarab Desert Survival Handbook
13. Scroll III
14. Soggy Newspaper
15. The Forest Octopus Friend
16. The Rainy Day Book
17. White Lines of a Black Heart
Do any of us know who we are . . . really? We are alive, we have thoughts, we have emotions. But do any of us know why we're here? What purpose we have? Who . . . who am I?
First thoughts would say that I am Elusiveness, or Elu for short, and that I'm a Cheran who never had the chance to know her parents before being separated from them. Still, there is more to who one is than just their name and kin.