Target says *watches carefully, on alert after the assumed "threat"* Isn't that what curiosity is? Wondering about what you don't know? *shrugs softly, as not to disturb his feathered companion* I like finding new things. People included. *smirks devilishly* Especially handsome ones.
Target says But I'm only hardly joking. And if that's your only problem with my being here, I can make an attempt to stop completely. *smiles playfully despite himself, but the expression falters as the other starts away* ...That sounded almost threatening, amigo. *whistles again, but this time to call for a hawk, who lands audibly on his shoulder, claws digging the fabric*
Target says *raises his hands in a defensive gesture* Wooah, hey! Y'know you should warn people about your inability to take a joke, sir. Especially when their only intention was place a name to their current subject of admiration? *tries at an excuse, attempting (and failing) to keep his smile hidden* ...I like your bird, too. Nice touch to the whole 'rugged and ominous' look.
Target says *laughs, adjusting his dusty coat before starting toward the other* Hey now, I took the initiative of making the first move, the least you could do is offer an introduction. *smirks*
Target says *whistles at unabashedly from afar*