The Facts
Pet Name: Clover
Owner: Vossingar
Theme / Type: Albino Gurahdi
Born: March 5, 2010
Gender: Male
Mood: Mad
MisticPal Name: Clockwork
MisticPal Age: 4356 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 5
Hit Points: 8 / 8
Strength: 3
Defense: 4
Speed: 3
Intellect: 7
Misticpower: 5
Battles Won: 50
Battles Lost: 2
Books Read
Books Read:
2/373 [ View Books ]
1. Shrinking Zisscors
2. The Rainy Day Book
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
18/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Berry 7th Anniversary Lollipop
2. - Blue Lagoon
3. - Blush Pomme
4. - Caramel Pomme
5. - Cherry 4th Anniversary Lollipop
6. - Dried Up Cactus Drink
7. - Eat Me Cookie
8. - Farmer Pomme
9. - Furry Pomme
10. - Heart on a Stick
11. - Jack Pommekin
12. - Jinx Pomme
13. - Mistmas Ribbon Candy
14. - Pommeaid
15. - Pyramid Cake
16. - Quari Pomme
17. - Scarab Soup
18. - Thai Curry
I Lol'd Then I Srs'd
Pet Collections
Collection Limit: 4
This pet has no collections.