Pet Information
Pet Name: Casual
Owner: Cas
Theme / Type: Daydream Anya
Born: May 3, 2009
Gender: Male
MisticPal Name: Love
MisticPal Age: 5110 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 3
Hit Points: 3 / 3
Strength: 5
Defense: 2
Speed: 4
Intellect: 5
Misticpower: 2
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
Pet Profile
ENTER SEARCH TERM: patient #0010498|
FOUND 1 RESULTS FOR patient #0010498
1. INVOLUNTARY ADMISSION FORM, PATENT #0010498 -- 04/12/10 00:12
NAME: Schwarz, Charles Albert
DATE OF BIRTH: 22 November 1996
HEIGHT: 126 cm
WEIGHT: 19 kg
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Possible Homosexual
LEGAL GUARDIAN: Schwarz, Alena Margret
MENTAL STATUS: Unable to engage in speech -- reduced to guttural noises and animal-like cries. Seeming inability to understand the speech of others or comprehend normal human behavior. Often stares vacantly for hours on end, often becomes catatonic. Fully able to move and walk as a normal human, but prefers to contort himself into odd positions. Signs of possible homosexual tendencies. Attempts to communicate through crude drawings, though pictures are often abstract and disturbing. Mother seems convinced that this is a sign he is prone to hallucinations. Lacks the ability to feed himself, and is sometimes adverse to food and water, so mother has had to resort to hand and force feedings.
Though he has shown no violent tendencies, mother states that he has already caused her substantial emotional and metal trauma, and that she does not have the time or capacity to care for him any longer.
TREATMENT: Placed in Ward 6 with other mentally incompetent children. Test dose of 2 mg intramuscular lorazepam to confirm catatonia. Psychological evaluation scheduled tomorrow to determine any further treatment needed.
OTHER NOTES: Child became very distressed when mother left, emitting a series of inhuman cries as if to call her back. Attempted to follow her out of the facility. When restrained, he struggled very weakly before curling up and becoming very quiet. He refused to emerge from this position, and all attempts to pry him out of it failed. He was carried to Ward 6 by orderlies and tossed onto an empty bed, still not moving.
Pet Collections
Collection Limit: 4
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