Pet Information
Pet Name: Calyptra
Owner: Lepidoptera
Theme / Type: Apocalyptic frodrinn
Born: December 13, 2013
Gender: Male
Mood: Mad
MisticPal Name: Thalictri
MisticPal Age: 3062 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 3
Hit Points: 22 / 21
Strength: 20
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Intellect: 16
Misticpower: 1
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
3/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Plague Pomme
2. - Rotten Circus Burger
3. - Rotten Fish Skewers
Pet Profile
If found please return to Lepidoptera
(Calyptra thalictri)
Also called the Vampire Moth!
These moths are found in the region of Dire Morana but have been seen as far off as Banshee Swamp, these moths have been thought to drink the blood from animals and also humans.
They first drunk the juices from fruit; by piercing their proboscis (tongue) into the skin but in recent years; with the lose of fruit trees, have been changing their habit by drinking the blood of vertebrates; including humans.
(Only the Male moths drink blood)
Their tongues have developed into a hollowed; hooked-like proboscis, which is divided into two halves. That will rock from one side to the other, applying pressure until it pierces the skin, It then uses a rocking head motion to drill the tube deeper into the skin until the blood flows freely and they can suck blood for up to 20 minutes. They have even been observed to pierce through the tough skin of Eledons, Belragoths, and even the rock armor of Mandorans.
*(in real life its buffalo, elephants, and tapirs)*
You will see these moths from May to September searching for mates. It is believed the males drink blood to give nutrients to females during reproduction.
The young larvae have been seen eating from Thalictrum also known as meadow-rue.
(one of the only plants that grow in Dire Morana)
*Yet these moths are not thought to cause much of a threat to humans!
Further study is needed to understand these moths and the effect they have on the population. However more volunteers and donations are needed with the recent lose of many scientist.
* Art by:Shadowhearts
* Moth by: Amnesia
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