Pet Information
Pet Name: Blitzen
Owner: Dragonite
Theme / Type: Wintercursed Stignightus
Born: December 10, 2013
Gender: Female
Mood: Mad
MisticPal Name: Starlight
MisticPal Age: 3989 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 16 / 16
Strength: 20
Defense: 0
Speed: 16
Intellect: 19
Misticpower: 1
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
1. - Yehxil Pomme
Pet Profile
It was a cold dark night when Blitzen heard a sound that startled her awake. She stumbled sleepily around to see if she could find the noise she heard, but before she knew it she was blasted by the cold snow from the blizzard that been happening about. She looked down at the frozen lake by her home only to realize that she was now a different color. She now looked different than the other Stiginightus' and has to live a life of the cursed winter that had befallen her by the storm that brewed ever worse. She was scared to return back home to her family because she thought she might be turned away because of being the color of the cursed winter night she felt so cold and alone that she left home in search of somewhere or somebody that would love her for the way she is as she can never be the same way she was.
This is just a rough start to Blitzen's story. I will try to think of more to write for her at a later date and maybe even change what is currently here, but it is a start for now.
Boxed WinterCursed December 2013
I belong to Dragonite if seen elsewhere please return to her!
Pet Collections
Collection Limit: 4
This pet has no collections.