Born of Flesh, Bone, Magic, and Snow
Pet Name: Belal
Owner: DemonFoxToy
Theme / Type: Arctic Belragoth
Born: December 5, 2010
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 3 / 3
Strength: 3
Defense: 2
Speed: 1
Intellect: 4
Misticpower: 3
Books Read
Books Read:
1/373 [ View Books ]
1. Scarab Desert Survival Handbook
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
16/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Blue Lagoon
2. - Cactus Drink
3. - Drink Me Potion
4. - Frost Popsicle
5. - Gurahdi Pomme
6. - Haruba Treats
7. - Mini Snowman Snack
8. - Pearl Pop
9. - Pyramid Cake
10. - Quari Pomme
11. - Riverside Pomme
12. - Scorpion on a Stick
13. - Snowman Lollypop
14. - Spearmint Snowman Lollypop
15. - Spiral Mistmas Tree Lolly
16. - Zisscor Pomme
..::Child of Ice::..
[Being Up-Dated!]
*Will Hopefully Return Soon*
~A Chilling Whisper~
Damnation says -smiles- No no~ I really like it ^^ It's pretty.. and shinny and I like pretty and shinny things so yea ^^
Damnation says T-Thank you for the charm~ It is very pretty... I-I'll be sure and keep it safe ^^; -hugs-
All Comments
Simple Treasures
Collection Limit: 4