If you are ready to glimpse the future, be prepared to enter another world...
At the day of the passing year, locked away in the dark. Neither food nor drink shall you taste, nor speak a word to anyone or no-one. At the hour in which today becomes tomorrow you shall journey to the place where you seek the gods. One, two, three times circle the place, and into the keyhole you blow. From then till the end of your journey you belong no more to any god. Now you will be put to a test by those who come from all realms and the ones in-between. If you pass their challenges, you shall be rewarded. Keep your mind open, see and listen for things that aren't there. They will tell you what lies in your future.
Until next year, walker...
Arsgang is an old (and little known) Swedish tradition; which is no longer practiced. The name itself is a composite word pronounced orsh-gong, which literally translates as year (ars) walk (gang); or "Annual walk".