Pet Information
Pet Name: Andrei
Owner: Perdurabo
Theme / Type: Desert Kirui
Born: May 26, 2013
Gender: Male
Disease(s): Heart Sick, Bites: 1
Love Sick, Bites: 4
MisticPal Name: Draco
MisticPal Age: 4051 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 13 / 13
Strength: 15
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Intellect: 12
Misticpower: 1
Books Read
Books Read:
You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start
So dance alone to the beat of your heart
[Name] Andrei Antonescu
[Alias] He tends to go by 'Andrew' now. Those he is closer to or on easier terms with tend to call him Andy.
[Age] He's been prowling the earth for around 400 years -- he's a bit evasive over the exact figure. To look at him he'd probably be judged at being in his mid-twenties.
[Gender] Male
[Species] Vampire
[Occupation] Unsurprisingly he lacks a 'job'... He spends much of his time enjoying himself and being a nuisance.
[Habitat] He struggles to develop any real attachment to places. He can spend years in an area but quit it within a night with no feeling of regret. If he intends to stay somewhere for a short time only then he is most likely to be found in a fancy hotel... If he has the intention to remain longer, for the sake of ease and to avoid questions, then he'll secure a house or apartment for himself. The only exception to this rule is when he makes the decision to return 'home' -- and his whims with this are infrequent and without a pattern.
[Appearance] Andrei lacks the marble-white complexion that many of his kind can boast of... When he was human and mortal he had a warm, healthy skin tone -- and he retains that even now. If he does not feed then this can fade and he can begin to look a little wan, but this is not so dramatic (unless he is starved for a much longer period of time) and tends to make him look a little peaky and under the weather only. His hair is a rich honey blonde hue and curls loosely around his temples, ears and the nape of his neck. His eyes are hazel and quite changeable. Subtle shades of golden brown and green tend to shift and become more prominent depending upon his mood at the time. He has a large, surprisingly intricate dragon tattoo that spans down his back and across his shoulder blades in a mix of black and green ink. This is something he had done back when he was a human man and his vampyric blood seems to have leant an added vivid quality to it.
[Orientation] Pansexual
[Status] Unattached
[Characteristics] He can come across as being quite evasive and secretive initially... and thereafter, also. Although Andrei does not often struggle to meet people and be on easy terms with them, there is often a sense of him holding more back. He is not, by nature, much of a liar... but almost as if to compensate for his honesty he has become adept at avoiding probing questions. He is not much given to brooding. Morally speaking he does not suffer many pangs over being what he is -- he has long since accepted that he is a killer, and this pragmatic approach to life in general has bled into other decisions he makes also. He is not the most patient person - or the most generous. He can be blunt to the point of rudeness.
[Likes] Silk. Blood (unsurprisingly). Interesting stories. Warm nights. Challenges.
[Dislikes] Garlic... but only because he dislikes the taste/smell (not due to anything regarding his vampirism!) Whining. Small children.
Pet Collections
Collection Limit: 4
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