old wandering soul
Pet Name: Alaude
Owner: Mnemosyne
Theme / Type: Zodiac haruba
Born: March 2, 2012
Gender: Male
Mood: Mad
MisticPal Name: Equinox
MisticPal Age: 3021 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 28 / 21
Strength: 16
Defense: 1
Speed: 18
Intellect: 18
Misticpower: 32
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
3/373 [ View Books ]
1. How to Care for a Caribyss
2. How to Care for a Jumboyo
3. King of Clubs
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
92/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Acorn
2. - Acorns
3. - Angel Pomme
4. - Aqua Toadstool
5. - Arctic Half-Eaten Pomme
6. - Banshee Toadstool
7. - Belragoth Pomme
8. - Blue Cheese Pomme
9. - Blue Lobster
10. - Bobbleberry
11. - Bubblegum 7th Anniversary Lollipop
12. - Bumpy Gourd
13. - Cactus Drink
14. - Caramel Pomme
15. - Century Egg
16. - Chanterelle Mushrooms
17. - Charitee Pomme
18. - Cheran Pomme
19. - Chocolate Pomme
20. - Coconut Pomme
21. - Common Leaf
22. - Common Twig
23. - Dark Chocolate Milkshake
24. - Darkwood Toadstool
25. - Demon Pomme
26. - Desert Half-Eaten Pomme
27. - Desert Pomme
28. - Dried Up Cactus Drink
29. - Drink Me Potion
30. - Eat Me Cookie
31. - Eelectre
32. - Farmer Pomme
33. - Faux Chocolate Pomme
34. - Feast of Giving Breakfast
35. - Flat Top Pomme
36. - Flying Pomme
37. - Fried Butter
38. - Frozen Pine Pomme
39. - Ginger Pommepadour
40. - Green Toadstool
41. - Half-Eaten Pomme
42. - Haruba Pomme
43. - Inarbu Pomme
44. - Izabel Pomme
45. - Jinx Cone
46. - Jinx Pomme
47. - Kitty Pomme
48. - Kratork Cone
49. - Noir Half-Eaten Pomme
50. - Normal Pomme
51. - Northern Half-Eaten Pomme
52. - Nuclear Pomme
53. - Olive 7th Anniversary Lollipop
54. - Once Upon a Soup
55. - Orange Porcini Mushrooms
56. - Orange Toadstool
57. - Overgrowth Pomme
58. - Panju Pomme
59. - Pirate Pomme
60. - Pirated Eggs
61. - Pomme Pilot
62. - Pomme Tree Nest
63. - Pommepadour
64. - PommePei
65. - Pommerainian
66. - Porcini Mushrooms
67. - Potato
68. - Present Cake
69. - Princess Pomme
70. - Pyramid Cake
71. - Quari Pomme
72. - Rainbow Toadstool
73. - Razor Pomme
74. - Revelry Pomme
75. - Riverside Half-Eaten Pomme
76. - Scarab Soup
77. - Scorpion on a Stick
78. - SHAM
79. - Sharkmelon
80. - Simple Strawberry Sorbet
81. - Skillow Pomme
82. - Snake Pomme
83. - Sour Apple 7th Anniversary Lollipop
84. - Split Red Lobster
85. - Tampered Candy
86. - Terminal Pomme
87. - The Prettiest Pomme
88. - Tropical Half-Eaten Pomme
89. - Tropical Kiwi Drink
90. - Watermelon Inside Watermelon
91. - White Chanterelle Mushrooms
92. - White Toadstool
The Star Chaser
"Can you tell us what it was like?"
"What what was like?"
"The expedition. The cave you said you found? The Lost King's Cave?"
"...Well why not? Our viewers want--"
"I can't tell you because I don't remember. I know I walked in there, but the last thing I remember is walking back out. I don't recall anything from the point I entered to the point I left."
"And you expect us to believe that? You, legendary discoverer that you are?"
"Yes. And if you don't, then that's your problem. But I can't tell you what I don't remember."
It was on the news for days; how the magnificent, never-been-stopped explorer Alaude di Nicola had "forgotten" about the contents of the Lost King's Cave. A cave, mind you, rumored to have accumulated over ten million years worth of wealth from dead kings and royals in the area.
No man or woman had ever been able to step foot in the place before. They said they knew where it was, could point it out on a map, but as soon as they got close it was like a fog swamped their mind, and they forgot the coordinates, what they were looking for. So they turned around, only to realize once they were beyond the point of turning back what they'd done.
So for a legend like Alaude to somehow make it past that fog, into the cave itself? You can imagine how things went. The press were out for blood. They accused him of all kinds of unscrupulous things - said he'd found the wealth, he just didn't want to share it. His name was dragged through the mud - he was called a liar, a thief, a cheat, a hypocrite, and so much worse.
But Alaude just didn't seem to care anymore.
Before the cave, he'd been a proud, cold man to work for. He wanted things done a certain way, on time, and God help you if you didn't do what he wanted when he wanted it. But after? He came in to work dressed so casually it was like looking at a different man. He wasn't the same strict man as before. He was calm and quiet, and content to let the show run itself. If someone had concerns, he listened, and nodded, and dealt with things that needed to be dealt with.
Was it shocking? You bet. Was it welcome? Of course. A boss that had suddenly seemed so distant was now on our level, talking and knowing us. After a point, it just seemed... stupid to bring the press in, even if they hounded us for information. Two people decided to drop word to the press about our schedules - I personally fired them before their foot even got in the doors. We changed the schedules, changed the shifts, made everything as safe as we could. All for our boss. All for Alaude.
And you know what, its better this way. It really is. The press doesn't need to know about the stars on our boss' body. The strange constellations that move under his skin. The way his eyes go dark sometimes and he looks like an alien. The way he tilts his head as if listening to something sometimes, or the way he'll suddenly stop speaking to stare up at the ceiling.
We know its not normal. But do we care? No. Because Alaude di Nicola has finally come down from his proud perch to join us here on earth. Because for us, he is human. That's all we've ever wanted to see.
Even if he really isn't, anymore.
- Account of Events I, by Alyssa Vasquez (Former Assistant to Alaude)
Speak Softly
Howling says Immortality is pointless, who wishes to live forever. I just miss the life I never got to live..
All Comments
take me away from time and season
Collection Limit: 8