Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 15
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

This Month in Mistica, October '10
Written By Caustic

This Month in Mistica is a quick guide to everything that’s happened on site in the past month. Whether you’re new and want a better idea of what goes on here, an older user who’s returning, or simply too lazy to read the news, this article has all - okay, most - of the information you need!

October means only one thing in the land of Mistica: Lanturnaucht! This month was filled with sugar, spooky fireside stories, and of course lovely new pets released.

We had to say goodbye to the Daydream and Nightmare Pandoria Boxes, but in their place came the Lanturn and Phantom, along with a whole host of new items to drool over in the Lanturnaucht 2010 Treasure Bag.

Pandoria then graced us with the first new Phantom pet of the season: the Mericai!

Charitee finally decided to take a rest from having us running around at her beck and call for those elusive loyalty points - but at least we got a new pomme and avatar out of it.

On the 5th, something that Misticans have been asking for was finally brought to the site: extra transfers! The World Traveler item stocks in the Credit Shop for a mere 20 credits, and with it you can receive one extra pet transfer. Highly useful if you're adopting out a lovely pet to a new owner.

Soon after, five gorgeous new themed plushies were released, and a whole new pet collection: the Anya!

The 7th was filled with Pommekins! A new Pommekin Plushie, two new pommes for the Pomme Tree exclusive to the month of October (Phantom and Possessed), and a new Mistical Pommekin hatchipal. There was also some change in shop stocks this day; Arielle of Cuddly Stuffies began stocking only normal colored pet plushies, while all themed and "other" plushies were transferred to Jeremy's shop, Plushie Domain. The Jumboyo Chief of Tribal Trades still has exclusive rights to all the Koko, Panju, Izabel and Jumboyo themed plushies, of course.

Officer Coppa then paid us a visit, assuring us everything was just fine, despite reports that some Lirionox and Haruba had been acting oddly...

The 9th was an exciting day that spawned some serious craziness! The Vending Token was released, and for 25 credits, you can buy one, insert it into the Vending Machine (located on the Non Flash Games page), and come out with a premium item - mostly retired treasure bag items, but you could also be lucky and win
a much bigger prize, like a Pandoria Box or a Pet Slot Coin!

The very next day Ken Kratork informed us of something odd going on with our toys - some were breaking! Yes, rather than just rotting in your safebox, toys can now break. Common toys seem to be a lot more susceptible to this than rarer toys, however, and thankfully premium ones are still unbreakable. On a happier note, Trick or Treating began, and candy saturated the land of Mistica once again!

On the 11th Jahzara came out and began telling us the story of the origins of Lanturnaucht. She left us with a cliffhanger and a promise to return, but a long awaited Stignightus release kept us all occupied!

The fortune teller's story continued the next day, and we also announced two new writers - Inception and gemajgall - as well as two new artists, SIN and Kirara!

Jahzara's Lanturnaucht tale concluded the day after, and Albrecht returned to inform us that his infamous Chamber of Evil was open once more. Misticans everywhere broke out grid paper and pencils and probably ended up biting them in pure terror as they searched for the Chamber's elusive prizes, which included several new items in addition to last year's older ones.

More candy was released, as well as three new collections: Red, Blue and Yellow!

On the 14th we wished our awesome artist, CaptainZebra, happy birthday! Pandoria celebrated with an appropriately striped egg.

A whole horde of new door knockers were then released, and to some treasure hunter's dismay, the Chamber got a bit of a makeover. Much groaning ensued as Misticans worked to adjust their maps.

Soon afterwards the circus arrived! Archibald Bozoni, ringleader of Bozo's Circus, doesn't seem to be doing very well. In fact his circus is almost deserted! What will he do? He began asking for donations, giving out special trick-or-treat bags in return for your random items.

Jasper then shows up with his well known shop amidst a plethora of new candy and door knockers being released, as well as a new game: Totally Random.

The 22nd saw a short release of the Obsideon, and on the 25th, the Phantom Vix was released. The very next day two new guessing games - hosted by Percy and Raynas - made their appearance. One is thinking of a food, the other a certain pet color or theme...can you guess the right one for a prize?

On the 27th the Alliances got a whole host of new updates! In addition, a certain tarinooki stepped up to announce that she was collection pals for the Society for the Preservation of the Natural Habitats of MisticPals, determined to see them back in their natural surroundings rather than rotting away in galleries. It's a contest among the alliances - who will free the most pals?

The 28th was certainly a busy day. It turns out that Jasper is Archibald's adopted brother, and had given him a loan to keep the circus going - but it's not successful enough for poor Archie to pay the loan back! Jasper gives Archie until the next day to pay back the loan, or he takes the circus. New candy was released, and, much more importantly, moderator applications opened up!

Unfortunately the next day Jasper doesn't seem very lenient towards his brother. He leaves Archie with an odd statement...

On the 30th, the very night before Lanturnaucht, we celebrated our artist Richy's birthday! A lovely new egg was released to honor him. Not only that, but a friendly ghost is roaming the REs...I wonder what he's giving out? Lastly, the Lanturn Lirionox and Phantom Nokwi were released!

And that, Mistica, was October. The story of Archibald and Jasper has yet to conclude, and who knows what shiny new things Jasper will stock in his shop? Lanturnaucht seems to be even spookier and more dramatic than last year...and that's no easy feat! Stay on your toes, or you just might have them snapped off by something lurking in the shadows...


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