Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 7
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Jones' Journal - Day 5&6
Written By SkyHawk

Day 5 & 6: Berry Surprise

Telepathy is a very strange and unusual gift among some creature. I’m not a lab scientist so I confess it baffles me. I do know this from my interactions with Scar and my observations from him. Telepathy for Braenon is a power they use, but not for speech in a typical manner. Scar has only said a few words to me and I have a few theories about that which I will explain now. I have observed that these communication words have always resulted in an unusual presents in my mind. It’s a sensation I can’t explain as I said earlier in my journal, but I believe Scar is trying to pull words from my mind so that he can express a feeling. He, of course, doesn’t know how to speak so he uses words instead that I’m familiar with since I cannot understand his complex body language. I’m impressed by his vast intelligences to come to that reasoning. He knew I was foreign and wouldn’t understand him so he reverted to a way I would. It’s also interesting to note that Scar has not attempted to speak to Barnaby. I think it takes a great deal of concentrating to use this telepathy for speaking and once contact has been made a link is formed so speaking again becomes easier through the link and less concentration is needed.

Now what is the antenna for in everyday life? Well here’s what I learned from Scar today in a surprising turn in events. We had no signs of the rest of the Braenon but we heard the Belragoth pair. The group is probably waiting until its completely safe before returning and Belragoth are known to patrol an area for a meal a few times before searching else where. I estimate the group will return in the next few days. Scar has recovered nicely from his injuries. The healing looks good and he can walk a little, but he’s still very sore. After resting for two days with just water and a few bites to eat, today seemed like a day to search for food for Scar.

He simply got up from camp and began searching the ground. The area is just grass terrain not much for an omnivorous creature to eat by the looks of it. There aren’t even berry bushes around which many believe Braenon eat. Barnaby and I noticed that Scar uses his antenna to brush the ground with. As he searched around on some invisible scent trail he stops and digs. We sat and watched until finally after digging a rather huge hole Scar emerges with a type of root that has tiny berries growing from the end of its long spidery stands. Theses sub roots had about ten tiny berries coming off the main base of the root which is similar to a carrot with a very thin root system. I suppose it sort of looks like a beard with tiny berries at the end. A strange find, but these berries are bright pink! Barnaby will have to take a berry and look at its workings a bit closer in our portable lab later to confirm some of our thoughts, but I’m guessing there’s something in these berries that turn the Braenon this color. Scar only dug up one root system, so other berries could be other colors.

Scar was kind enough to offer some berries to us for studying, but I think it’s a sign of friendship too. Offering one’s food in the wild is a sign of trust since it can be so hard to find and thus making it valuable.

Scar spent most of his day searching for berries or resting in the tall grasses. He’s still quite injured, but these berries may have healing properties in them so I must check his progress of his healing later. I assume he’s resting so much because the alpha male isn’t around so he doesn’t have to be on his feet ready to defend himself so much. Scar is sadly just about at the age where he’ll either challenge the alpha or be chased off by the rest of the group. He’s already taken quite a beating and hasn’t left so I can assume he’ll make his stand soon. If he does I’ll be there to observe and, as hard as it is to do this, I can’t help him in that fight. That is something he’ll have to prove on his own.

Later that night….

A splendid discovery happened today! I thought that maybe the berries were the ones responsible for Scar’s healing but I was wrong. Oh no, it was not the berries but Scar himself. The berries only gave him energy again to do what is natural which is to heal his wounds at night. I’m not sure the technical science behind this, but it has something to do with the moons. All three were very visible this night and Scar seems to bask in their lights until his wounds were nearly healed. Of course it’s not often that all three moons are out so full together so the reason Scar has scars is due to the fact the times he had healed those were when the moon’s light wasn’t at its fullest leaving him with a scar instead of being healed in full.

Upon Scar’s healing discovery though we were met with a rather big surprise…the rest of the Bouquet flew right into out camp. Oh, how could the night get anymore exciting?


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