Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 51
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Character Spotlight: Radipow
Written By gemajgall

Several hundreds of years ago, the human kingdom flourished. Mistica Castle was a center of commerce and art; legendaries from all over the world visited regularly. One of the most renown areas was the expansive gardens that sprawled around the estate. Exotic flowers were cultivated to bloom off season; fruits and vegetables grew all year around in order to support the castle and village. It was truly a living jewel.

But it was not to last. In a single summer, one traitorous duke allied with the imps and drove the humans and sprites into exile. The castle's halls were plundered and burned; the garden was trampled beneath the armored feet of soldiers. Arrow shafts stuck out of the ground that had once been covered with petals. Nightmarish curses stained the fountains purple and red; bushes were shredded with swords and bodies.

Silence fell; things decayed. The crops rotted on the vine with no one to tend them. Weeds grew within the cracks, and thorns tangled around anything green that struggled to grow. One by one, every surviving seed died.

And Radipow watched this. Although he wasn't called Radipow at the time; he was just a small radish, but he survived the war that ravaged his fields and grew, struggling to breathe against the thorns and bramble. Any rain that fell was tainted by the cursed soil, poisoning the small vegetable with a hatred that refused to die.

After winter's thaw had passed, a thin, wiry mouth opened. Jagged teeth grew as several summers passed. After a decade, eyes sprouted and glared at any unfortunate Misticpal who'd enter the forsaken garden. And as decades turned into centuries, Radipow grew bigger. And bigger. It's roots stretched out; Radipow stepped out of the ground, his snarl sending Caaws flying into the clouded sky.

In the desolate garden, Radipow's narrow eyes looked around with burning hatred. Not a single other vegetable remained. With a furious roar, Radipow stumbled onward. He'd have his revenge on those who killed his friends, on those who poisoned the land, on those who had failed to protect his home.

Imp. Sprite. Human. Misticpet. It didn't matter. He'd crush them all into salsa!


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